Midwest Public Safety

+1-857-475-SAFE (7233)

Welcome to
MPSCG (Midwest Public Safety Consulting Group)

Empowering Midwest Safety Through Excellence

At the heart of our commitment lies a vision to elevate every aspect of public safety. From the bustling cities to the serene countrysides of the Midwest, we believe in proactive measures, expert guidance, and transformative solutions.

Mission: Making Public Safety Paramount

Our mission is unwavering: To offer professional, ethical, and transparent advice rooted in industry best practices. The Midwest Public Safety Consulting Group champions agencies in their duty to serve, protect, and foster thriving communities.

Mapping out the future trajectory of public safety agencies with comprehensive plans that encompass operational efficiency, innovation, and leadership continuity.

Elevating agency capabilities through advanced training modules and preparation for recognized credentialing programs, ensuring a future-proof and proficient public safety workforce.

Providing unbiased, detailed evaluations of public safety incidents using state-of-the-art AI technology, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Midwest Public Safety

+1-857-475-SAFE (7233)

Welcome to
MPSCG (Midwest Public Safety Consulting Group)

Vision: A Resilient & Prepared Midwest

Envision a Midwest where every public safety agency embodies industry-proven best practices, working as an extension of the communities they proudly serve. Our vision is to make rural public safety agencies more proficient, better prepared, and supremely resilient.

Midwest Safety Solutions, Shaped by Expertise

Our unique blend of seasoned industry veterans and tech-savvy innovators come together to create a holistic approach to public safety challenges. Trust in our professional safety services to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of public safety in the Midwest.

We help you solve your
municipal government problems

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    Calls to U.S. fire
    departments for fires in 2019,
    underscoring the importance
    of fire safety initiatives.

  • 00


    Average response time
    for U.S. 911 calls, highlighting
    the need for efficient and
    effective emergency
    communication systems.

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    Reduction in violent crimes
    in the U.S. from 2009 to 2019,
    signifying the impact of proactive
    law enforcement strategies.


Our partners & suppoters